Animal/Pet Reading & Healing
If your desire is to have an animal communication reading, here are some tips on how to get a good reading from me. I do things a little different than most animal communicators. I prefer not to do fun readings where the owner just wants to see if I'm accurate. I prefer to help animals in need and do mostly trauma cases, emotional and behavioral issues, etc. Here's what you do.
Please send a picture of your pet where eyes are visible, a question you want answered, and any pertinent background information to: Helpful info to share in that email is:
Pets name, age, species and how long have you had him/her
How many adults in household
How many young children in household
How many older children in household
How many other pets in household/barn
What type of pets are they (cats, dogs, gerbils, etc)
What is the current question or concern
How long has this been a concern
About the emotional healing aspect. When I go in for a reading, quite often strong emotions of the animal come up. I feel those inside me and I MUST purge it WITH the pet as I sense that this is desperately needed. This is why I cannot give just a simple reading without including a healing, if the pet needs it. If past trauma has occurred, the pet may be holding onto it. These feelings need to be emoted, the story told, and the totality of the fears/trauma must be purged before they can let it go for change to happen. And this may be the ONLY opportunity for an outlet the pet has to express all this repressed stuff. Besides, I'm there to help him/her and guide him/her in a unique way, due to my hypnosis background.
Expressing all the emotion, listening to their story, allowing their fears and stresses to come to the surface, we (pet and I) will purge it all out until there is no more to come out. Most likely this will shift/change the pet's stress level, open the door to physical healing, and even help with some behavioral issues.
If further is needed behaviorally, there is a way of (me) being that may be able to help bring the pet into his own healing state. If the issue is solely physical ailments, look to yourself first to see where you and your pet align. Sometimes the animal expresses where you hold stuff in. And the solution is your own purging to help the pet. So, think about how long the pet has had this issue. Look at yourself (or those in your household the pet is close to) and see what was going on in your life around the time the pet began the bad behavior. It's all so tied together and complicated!
Sometimes the behavior is human-created, and discipline or leadership is needed to correct. Such as: dog pulling on leash, abundance of unexpelled energy that exercising will temper, or running away if off leash. I can only suggest taking obedience lessons/training with your pet/dog.
Animals/mammals, as well as humans, have the natural ability to heal themselves. When you cut your finger, you watch it heal naturally. The body is built that way. The best we can do for our pets when they are not healing naturally, after you have consulted and applied veterinarian care, is to make sure all blocks, emotions and past traumas move out of the way to give the body the space to naturally heal.
On a Bio-Healing Animal Healing session, the first thing I do is balance out the chakras of the pet by running Universal energy. I then focus on the current issue. My goal is to move blocks and obstructions out of the way so the body can do the best in allowing healing.
The session is typically is done over Zoom, but can be done in person, (Yakima, WA). The session is 45-55 minutes. I use a photograph of the pet with only the pet in the picture and no one else. And where I see their eyes. Over Zoom, if I can see the animal, I should be able to pick up on his/her energy just fine. I use a surrogate, a stuffed animal in my office, to run the energy and do the bio-healing for the pet. You can watch, but I will mute the call, as to not be disturbed. Then we discuss later.​