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Certified Stop Smoking Specialist

Stop the Madness, NOW and for Life! 
Using Advanced Neurological Processes ​
Like You've NEVER Experienced! 

If you're serious about quitting smoking, Cindy can help. The outstanding technique she uses is said to be 95% effective with over 10,000 people. With just one session, be prepared to never ever have another cigarette after your appointed session! This unique tri-fold whammy technique was invented by Ken Guzzo of Bay Area Non-Smoking Center. Cindy studied with Ken Guzzo and is now a Certified Stop Smoking Specialist. This technique engages the body's energy and nervous system with the brain's neurological processes to identify the problem, reverse it and clear it from the body. This is then coupled with a dynamite hypnosis session to solidify within both the conscious and subconscious mind the final and complete ending of an adult-long nasty habit, no matter how many years you’ve been smoking. Most clients report it is like they never smoked, with no cravings and no withdrawals. The cost is $400 and only one session is needed.

Cigarette Trash
This technique also works with vaping, chewing tobacco, cigar smoking, and comes with a one year service (not money back) guarantee. This ultimate session can be in person locally in Yakima, WA, or through Zoom worldwide. Are you ready? 

Quitting smoking is indeed a complex process, and different approaches work for different individuals. It's important to note that the effectiveness of any smoking cessation method can vary from person to person, and claims of high success rates should be approached with caution. While hypnosis and other techniques can be helpful for some individuals, it's crucial to seek out reputable and licensed professionals who specialize in smoking cessation.

It's also important to recognize that quitting smoking is a long-term commitment and often requires ongoing effort to maintain a smoke-free lifestyle. While a single session or technique may provide initial support, it's typically beneficial to have a comprehensive plan in place that includes strategies for managing cravings, addressing psychological and emotional triggers, and finding alternative coping mechanisms.

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